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About National Trauma Management Course (NTMC™)

National Trauma Management Course (NTMC) is an authentic course on acute trauma management, being organised in India. The Advance Trauma Life Support (ATLS®) course of the American College of Surgeons has had a dramatic effect in improving outcome of patients by standardising their resuscitation and assessment, and providing a safe and simple way for initial care of such patients. Internationally, ATLS® is a well established course mandatory for all doctors involved in management of traumatised patients. In the first critical hour after polytrauma, it is vital that doctors, nurses and paramedics act with speed, knowledge and skill to provide appropriate life support to the patient.

Through NTMC Academy of Traumatology (India) and International Association for Surgery of Trauma and Surgical Intensive Care (IATSIC), Switzerland are offering this course in India. The Course is specifically designed taking into account Indian patients and Indian situation. Its objective is not to duplicate ATLS® nor to provide in depth course in trauma surgery, but rather to teach those techniques particularly applicable to the patients who require immediate care for major trauma, in a setting where such care is not commonly practiced or even necessarily available. 


How can one benefit?
What is the course content?